Sunday, November 30, 2008

Prophetic Word

This is a very short prophetic word brought forth by Brother Ray Lindsley at the House of Mercy Mission in Newark, NJ.

"...My word. Is it any wonder why I don’t love this place? No matter what comes against you, you stand on my word. The attack is almost over! He is almost through throwing what he has against you. He has laid his hand against the very trunk of the tree and shaken it as hard as he can and yet you stood on my word firm at the foundation. I am about to pour out my spirit upon us. What I will do I will do quickly, what happened in Lakeland is nothing compared to what will happen here. The well of healing will overflow. The blessings will pour down and you will see things in wonders and signs that you had never imagined before. The things that you thought would be so hard to believe for, will be so easy for you and come naturally. The things that you want and desire will be poured out. I am about ready to pour out My spirit upon all flesh and I will use you as a mighty instrument in this area."

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